Zika is an STD

“Photo” by Alejandra Quiroz is licensed under CC0. Zika is a sexually transmitted disease…but have you ever heard it called that before? Likely not, but it is. Yes, Zika is carried and transmitted by mosquitos, don’t think it’s not. But it’s not the only method of transmission. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warn of the dangers of transmitting Zika through sex and provide prevention tips on its website. But while the CDC provides this information, Zika as an STD is not at the forefront of this public health issue; health professionals and politicians are most concerned with the mosquito factor since the insect has made its way to Florida, and there is also a high concern they could make their way to Louisiana and Texas (two states in our region). The Oklahoman explains the situation well: “…while mosquitos are a key menace when it comes to Zika, the media and public officials are too focused on them. They also need to pay attention to sex: If we are going to stop the spread of this disease, we are going to need better access to Zika testing for anyone who is sexually active.” Doctors and nurses, are you warning your patients about this risk? To read more on the subject, please visit “Zika is an STD: Why are we not calling it one?” Follow NN/LM SCR on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Source: Network News - Category: Databases & Libraries Authors: Tags: Public Health Source Type: news