Are We at the Saturation Point Viz-a-Viz Celebrity Pharma Endorsements?

I read with interest today's email missive from Bob Ehrlich, Chairman of DTC Perspectives. He was talking about the"Dry Eye DTC Battle" between Allergan's Restasis and the new kid on the bloc: Shire's Xiidra (two i's - get it? aka two"eyes").Ehrlich pointed out that Shire enlisting Jennifer Aniston is a"big get. Getting a movie star to promote the dry eye condition must have cost Shire a lot in talent fees," said Ehrlich."Obviously they think she is worth it. Her ad just went on air under the'myeyelove' title" (read"Jennifer Aniston is Shilling for Shire!").Ehrlich noted that Aniston is getting"lots of commercial endorsements these days. She is touting skin care brand Aveeno and plugging the comforts of Emirate Airways. I am sure Shire considered whether we at a Jennifer saturation point. My feeling is we can take a couple more campaigns before she gets overused."My view is that celebs are being overused by pharma marketers these days. Why?Read more ยป
Source: Pharma Marketing Blog - Category: Pharmaceuticals Tags: Allergan Celebrity Endorsement Dry Eyes Shire Source Type: blogs