Femmes infertiles de plus de 40ans : loin du mythe de la femme « carriériste » et du « droit à l’enfant »

Conclusion Les profils étudiés témoignent d’un décalage croissant entre les temporalités biologique et biographique, ainsi que d’une non-maîtrise du recul du désir d’enfant. Face à ce décalage, le don d’ovocyte et l’autoconservation ovocytaire leur apparaissent comme des solutions envisageables. Objectives To study the social dimension of age-related female infertility through an analysis of three key themes: the personal life histories of infertile women over 40 years of age; representations of age and the desire to become pregnant after age 40; opinions of French legislations framing Assisted Reproductive Technologies, age limits, egg donation, and egg freezing for non-medical reasons. Methods This qualitative sociological study was based on semi-structured interviews with infertile women over age 40 going through fertility treatments. The interviews contained three parts: personal and relationship histories; experiences related to age; opinions related to French legislation. Results Twenty-three interviews were conducted; each lasting between 90 to 120minutes. Far from having similar life histories, the women interviewed had very different backgrounds leading to their desire for a pregnancy after 40 years of age. From the beginning of their fertility treatments, they perceived a “race against the clock”. This feeling of urgency accompanied their experiences and was related to the desire to not be too old for their future child. The women interv...
Source: Gynecologie Obstetrique and Fertilite - Category: OBGYN Source Type: research