Étude de la fonction thyroïdienne chez les femmes infertiles au cours de la stimulation ovarienne dans le cadre de FIV

Conclusions Le lien entre l’intégrité de la fonction thyroïdienne, le pronostic de conception et la grossesse est bien établi. Mais à l’heure actuelle, il n’existe pourtant aucune recommandation sur le taux de TSH cible pour les patientes au cours d’aide médicale à la procréation. Objectives Optimal thyroid function is necessary for an effective fertility. Many authors have suggested that thyroid function has an impact on IVF outcome. Conversely, IVF has been suggested to induce changes in thyroid function. The aim of this study was to determine the nature and the timing of alterations in thyroid function, throughout controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, from the begining of therapy to the day of triggering ovulation. And make a clarification of the current recommendations of the thyroid function during hormonal stimulation. Methods Subjects were recruited from March 2013 to July 2013 at the Hospital of the University of Reims. The studied population consisted of 50 infertile patients who had undergone IVF/ICSI cycles. Thyroid axis exploration was realized before therapy and at every hormonal dosage during ovarian monitorage. Results Prematuary fluctuations were observed without impact on pregnancy rate. We could detect potential hypothyroid women thanks to this dosage and define a connection between pregnancy rate and TSH with a threshold closer to 1mUI/L than 2,5mUI/L defined by the endocrine society. Conclusions The link between thyroid function, ...
Source: Gynecologie Obstetrique and Fertilite - Category: OBGYN Source Type: research