March 30-Day Challenge: Fill Half Your Plate With Fruits & Veggies!

It’s National Nutrition Month and in going with this year’s theme of “Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right” I’m using this month’s challenge to encourage people to “eat right” by filling 1/2 your plate with fruits and veggies. With the MyPlate icon, it’s easier than ever to picture what an “ideal” plate would look like (see below). Here’s how I did it with my breakfast the other day. This month you can look for delicious (and easy!) produce-focused recipes and tips to help you fill up your plate AND make it taste amazing. My goal is to feature a different produce on the blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram — something every single day throughout the month. Each message will have the #NNM (national nutrition month) tag. Join me in Pinning/Tweeting/Posting Enjoy the Taste, Ditch the Guilt My goal with this month’s challenge is to make it easier to incorporate delicious veggies and fruits into your every day routine. I think you can absolutely “enjoy the taste” of those fruits and veggies with FLAVOR — herbs, citrus, oils, and yes a bit o’ salt. (Just don’t get crazy.) My other idea for “enjoying the taste of eating right” is to put food you are craving on the other half of the plate. Think about it – how does it help you enjoy eating if you are policing your food choices? You can eat, enjoy the taste, and ditch the side of guilt. Joining ...
Source: Balanced Health and Nutrition Rebecca Scritchfield's Blog - Category: Nutritionists and Food Scientists Authors: Tags: cooking eating healthy food nutrition vegetables 30 day challenge fruits national nutrition month veggies Source Type: blogs